Decorated Styrofoam cups brought down to 4000 meters deep become doll-sized due to the efects of pressure (the paper towels inside are helping them retain their shape until they dry). SOI/Judy Lemus

A vial of water that has spent 600 years in the deep ocean. SOI/Judy Lemus
What goes down, must come up
Our retrieval of this deep ocean water gives me the opportunity to talk about the important role of deep water circulation around the globe and the water cycle. The water that we brought up in our samples actually has a 50% chance of being either from the North Atlantic or the Southern Ocean (Matsumoto, 2007). These two areas are responsible for creating the large masses of deep ocean water because the surface water in these two areas becomes very, very cold. Water becomes more dense as it cools and therefore it starts to sink. In addition, the surface seawater may even freeze (especially in the Antarctic) and as it does, the dissolved salts precipitate out, making the seawater below even more salty, and even more dense. The sinking water masses, called “North Atlantic Deep Water” and “Antarctic Bottom Water”, initiate a deep ocean circulation pattern (called thermohaline circulation) that carries water from these two regions towards the equator where wind-driven upwelling brings it to the surface, gets warmed again, some of which is evaporated into the atmosphere, becomes clouds, and rains back down into the ocean again in higher latitudes. Surface waters are entrained in large ocean gyres that move in a cyclonic fashion around the ocean basins in the northern and southern hemispheres.
A summary of the path of the thermohaline circulation. Blue paths represent deep-water currents, while red paths represent surface currents. This collection of currents is responsible for the large-scale exchange of water masses in the ocean. Figure by NASA

Working in the deep ocean means instruments must be constantly maintained. Here Amy and Sam tend to one of the Chi-pod temperature sensors. SOI/Judy Lemus
The Dating Game
A familiar characteristic of the deep ocean is the immense pressure, due to the thousands of meters of water pressing down from above. Students at Salmon Bay school in Seattle, WA will get a first hand demonstration of this pressure when the Styrofoam cups they decorated come back to them after being taken down to 4000 meters in a mesh bag attached to the CTD. But what is ecologically important about the deep ocean is its storage capacity. In addition to nutrient storage covered in a previous blog, the deep ocean can store a large amount of heat and carbon. It is this storage of carbon, as dissolved CO2, that gives scientists the ability to know how long the water we collected on our CTD is about 600 years old. The earth’s atmosphere has a very small amount of naturally occurring 14C, also called radiocarbon. 14C is an unstable form of carbon and undergoes radioactive “decay” (one of its neutrons becomes a proton and the molecule becomes a stable nitrogen atom, 14N). This decay happens at a very predictable and measurable rate. There is no source of 14C in the ocean, so all of the 14C in the ocean has come from the atmosphere. Once 14CO2 is dissolved in seawater, any decay of the 14C can only be replaced by new 14C if the water remains in contact with the atmosphere. So radiocarbon dating can tell us how long it has been since a particular sample of deep ocean water has been at the surface. And that can give us an estimation of how long it takes for water to move through the “conveyor belt” of global thermohaline circulation. From one small atom to a big picture of how the ocean affects Earth’s climate – science is pretty amazing.
– Judy Lemus, Falkor
The Tasman Tidal Dissipation Experiment//Supported by the National Science Foundation