We are all happy to be home, but had a great time doing science at sea on the Falkor. In the remaining hours of our T-Beam cruise, we were able to put together a video using one of our favourite songs: Tassie Whalers by The Overlanders (Pete’s uncle is one of the members!).
When not working, we were also hard at work trying to win the fitness challenge between the Revelle and Falkor crew. As the Revelle Leg-1 crew mentioned, it is important to keep healthy when at sea for such a long time. We tried our best and we even had a rowing competition with medals! Overall, the Falkor science and ship’ crew:
- Ran 375km
- Cycled 671km
- Rowed 194.5km
- Pullups 351
- Pushups 7091
- Situps 6347
- Squats 1766
- Dead lifts 70
- Yoga 405mins
- Burpees 850
- Gun sculpting 23
- Skipping 8400
- Hoola hoop 30mins
- Cheese 42
- Bacon 20
Well done team!